Fresno marked the final FC5 Road Tour stop. Not that it's the end of the road for us by any means. It's quite the opposite: We've started something special with FC5, and the excitement is going to keep going, and going, and going...

We had a lot of fun here. Our local volunteers were fabulous and brought lots of excitement and energy to the event. Chairs were full for every presentation. Greg Chambers presented the FC5 products and husband-and-wife team, Kristin and Daryl VanderVeen shared the first Opportunity Presentation. They were followed by Carleeta Nelson at 8, who flew all the way from Oklahoma to present! (And we thought we were hot stuff by coming down from Seattle.)
Standing ovations? Like you never saw before.
There was a record amount of guests, special thanks to city coordinator Beth Gagliardi who made sure it all happened. Photo opportunities at the arch were non-stop between presentations, everyone wanted pictures of their teams and pictures with Carleeta, Kristin and Daryl, and Beth.
Attendees were so thankful that Arbonne came to Fresno and the attendance showed it. People drove down from San Francisco and many others from farther away. I think it's safe to say that a good majority are all set to attend NTC. I even overheard a few whispering about sneaking into the trailer so they could hitch a ride there, maybe catch an early glimpse of David Cook. Or David Cassidy.
We even had a great turnout with the Spanish presentations. Lots of excited Consultants, ready to run with the opportunity.
All in all, it was a perfect night. A fitting celebration for the Arbonne Experience Road Tour.
And that's the recap. Like I said earlier, how does one put the finishing touches on such an amazing experience? Certainly not by writing "The End." Because it's not. There's still so much to do and see. A lot more road to cover.
Besides, we've still got NTC in a few days, and after you see what's launching there, you'll be wanting us to start another Road Tour.
So, until then...farewell.
Oh yeah, last one to the MGM Grand has to buy dinner. (Sorry, rules are rules.)
See you in Vegas, Baby! At NTC 2009!